The Haworthia Collection
An assorted collection of haworthia coarctata, truncata, cooperi, fasciata and fasciata variegata in 2.5 in. pots.
Parodia Magnifica
A globular cactus with gold spines that blooms a bright yellow flower several times throughout summer! Available in 3 pot sizes.
Plant Spotlight
Pachypodium Lamerei
Known as the 'Madagascar Palm', this tree succulent can grow up to 20 ft. in its natural habitat. Lover of light and drought-tolerant, it features prominent gray spines along its trunk and thin green leaves sprouting from its head.

Learn the essentials of taking care of your plants with these comprehensive guides!
A Simple Introduction to Caudiciforms
From the euphorbia stellata to the fockea edulis, these interesting plants consist of a few basic characteristics.